Showing posts with label Musical Instruments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Musical Instruments. Show all posts

August 20, 2009

The Hobnox Audiotool

The Hobnox Audiotool is an incredibly cool online app that allows you to create music with either of two drum machines (one is an 808), a Tonematrix (an online version of a Tenori-on), a bass synth, and your choice of twelve effects pedals. You can record up to five minutes of the music or loops you create. I could see entire albums worth of cool music coming from this app.

November 30, 2006

My New Geetar

Last week was momentous...I guess. I turned thirty. For my birthday my parents gave me some money. As dumb as it sounds, I always kind of hate that because then I have to figure out what to get and end up feeling guilty for spending money I could be spending on bills. I think inside I'm an old Jewish lady.

Anyway, my acoustic guitar was stolen from me over a year ago and I still haven't replaced it. My electric keeps breaking and/or not working correctly. I had to choose which one to replace.

For the love of the band, I went with an electric and I love it. It's a Fender Strat -- can't get any more rock and roll than that. I got it at Nashville Used Music. I have no idea why that was the first time I have ever visited that place in the ten years I've lived in Nashville.

Here 'tis.