September 18, 2012

Why hello there...

I haven't blogged since May?!? Wow. That's ridiculous.

It's mostly because I've been tweeting a lot at and posting at The Eric Coomer Music Facebook Page. And I've updated the official Eric Coomer website.

But I should update you here as well! First of all, my solo EP, "The Vast Configuration of Things" (Hey, that's the name of this blog too!) will be releasing in November and I can't wait for you to hear it! It's almost finally done and those who supported me by donating at Kickstarter will be receiving it within the next couple weeks.

For those of you who weren't able to donate before, you can still get the EP in advance by purchasing it here within the next few weeks. More info coming on that soon. These purchases will be paramount because any money from those sales will be used to promote the EP on the actual release date.

So stay tuned for further updates. Thanks always for your support!