October 14, 2005

Update on my Dell

So here's the deal with my Devil 5150. It's a collosal piece of crap. Here's some proof. Take a look at all the people worldwide who have had problems with this thing.

I had my motherboard replaced several months ago (right around 1 year of ownership). Dell tells me I may need to do this again. But, as I stated in my last blog on this issue, I no longer have a warranty.

Bottom line? Now, in addition to the battery not charging, the screen doesn't work! I'm using it with an external monitor right now. All of this means I can't use SongShow Plus until I get it fixed. I'm leading worship at a retreat this weekend and can't use the stupid computer for the very reason I bought it!

Yes, Gavin, I think I'm going to Mac. But when? Because I was an idiot and bought this thing on credit (which Dell jacked waaaayyy up after I bought it without telling me), I now owe more than than the retail price of it. Never again. And yet, what the crap am I supposed to do now? I have to have a laptop. It's part of my job. So what the heck am I to do? Pray I suppose.