Showing posts with label Websites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Websites. Show all posts

March 28, 2005

Eric Coomer Dot Com

Finally got the website up! Check it out at It's still not really up. But it'll do for now.

March 8, 2005

The craziest thing I've ever seen.

Okay, so Wikipedia is a great site. I've looked at it a lot. But I never noticed before tonight that anyone can edit it. At any time I could go into any page and randomly insert the word "poop".

So, on random pages I've linked to this site. And on the emerging worship page I linked to my church. I can't believe it's allowed... but it is. I need to go back in and see where I can enter my site under "Eric Coomer".

I have thus far resisted the urge to insert the word poop.

Here's the site:

Have fun.

February 17, 2005


Well, I joined myspace... much due to the urging of the youth of my church.

You can be my friend at I laughed out loud a minute ago when I read this: "Eric Coomer has 0 friends".

I haven't taken the time to make it look pretty yet. Been too busy inviting friends. I have never felt so dang old in my life. I think I'll go to bed and soak my teeth.

I've noticed that pretty much every kid on the thing is into emo bands. When I was your age sonny, we knew what emo really was. I'm from Louisville, boy! Emo was birthed there! Birthed out of the dirt it was! Bands like Elliot and Cooler! I'd find you their websites son but we didn't have no stinkin' internet boy!

You kids and yer cellular phones and instant message this and my space that. When I was yer age my space was the bathroom I shared with fourteen brothers and sisters and cousins and a goat. And we didn't need no instant message 'cause if you needed one of 'em you jest said, hey Jethro, and he said what, and you said momma says it's yer turn to warsh the goat. And that was his instant message. And we liked it jest fine.

And we didn't have no Rocketown neither. Dang Rocketown. Don't even know how to spell it. Spells it Rcktwn. Ya ever heard of vowels mister Michael Dubya Smith? Nah, we didn't have no Rocket Town. I walked uphill in the snow barefooted and butt neckid all the way to the fat kid's garage two miles away to see an emo show. And I liked the mosh pit just fine. Yep.

Well, I've said my peace. Good night, youngins.