Showing posts with label MTV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MTV. Show all posts

September 16, 2009

MY nominees for Best Video of the Year By a Female Artist

If MTV were still relevant at all, maybe Kanye would have complained that there were a ton of videos (including his own "Heartless") that weren't nominated at all.

For the most part, I didn't see anything new in any of the videos nominated. I didn't keep tally of cliches but the number would be pretty high if I did.

I was glad to hear that MTV brought back the Breakthrough Video of the Year category. It disappeared two years ago I think (when Mutemath should have won for "Typical". Alas, the category didn't make it to air though. If you want two of the best videos by female artists you can look at that category. Here are those two, plus Janelle Monae's "Many Moons".

September 14, 2009

MTV's Nominees for Best Video by a Female Artist

I've been thinking about this Kanye thing & have a really good blog post percolating right now. I just watched all six nominees and as much I like that Beyonce video, I think in some ways it may be the worst of the pack. Check back Thursday for the blog. If I can wait that long to post it.

Now, which do YOU think is best?

P!nk - "So What"

Lady GaGa - "Poker Face"

Kelly Clarkson - "My Life Would Suck Without You"

Katy Perry - "Hot N Cold"

Beyonce - "Single Ladies"

Taylor Swift - "You Belong With Me"