August 27, 2006


I'm so random in posting blogs these days. And so I decided to post a random blog. Nay, I shall post a blog about the word "random".

I do believe the word is overused in today’s vernacular. I have heard the following:

“I have to go to the bathroom…”

“You’re so random!”

To which I reply (in my mind anyway), “No, I’m not, you schmuck. I just have to go to the bathroom. If I were to stand up and quack like a duck--now that would be random." And then I usually stand up and quack like a duck.

This brings me to another complaint—those people who say the following when you tell them you are going to leave to go to the bathroom:

“Thanks for the information!”

To which I reply (in my mind anyway), “What would have happened if I just disappeared without telling you where I was going? Would you think me rude if I up and ran for the urinal saying nary a word? Would you wonder, ‘where the crud did Eric go?‘ You know what? You’re welcome for the information. And again I say re-schmuck.”