September 28, 2011

The Worship Experiences Blog

I've started a separate blog where I (and hopefully other people soon) will write about experiential worship and ways to incorporate it into church services. Check out the Worship Experiences Blog.

This is something that's very important to me, but I haven't really nurtured it lately, so it's a nice outlet. I led a workshop on this stuff a couple weeks ago for an Aldersgate Renewal Ministries worship conference and was really encouraged that interactive worship is something a lot of people are interested in, but just don't know quite how to go about doing.

So, in addition to this blog, I'll be posting there from time to time with ideas and things I've done in the past.

I'd like to get other folks to write for the worship experiences blog as well, so if you're interested in this sort of thing, please email me at eric(at)ericcoomer(dot).com.