September 4, 2009

Viral Video of the Week - Japanese We Are The World

My friend (who I've yet to meet in person) Lindsey from Louisville sent me this on Facebook. I find it odd, amazing, and pretty dang funny.

I have so many thoughts as I watch this.
  1. I love how the audience seems like "Oh my gosh! They really sound like the original guy!"

  2. The guy doing Bruce Springsteen gets extra point for looking just like Smokey Robinson. I guess he had to choose..."Hmm, I look like Smokey but I sound like The Boss!"

  3. Japanese Ray Charles really makes me laugh. "We're saving our own wives."

  4. I gotta say, the Cyndi Lauper is pretty good though.

  5. Japanese Michael Jackson looks more like Japanese Howard Stern.

  1. Where's Japanese Kim Carnes?