November 1, 2007

A Little Justice At Last

Check this article out. Finally justice.

Westboro Baptist Church has been ordered to pay $10.9 million to a father of a Marine whose funeral was picketed by members of its hate-filled church (as Gavin so appropriately called it) who carried signs blaming soldiers' deaths on America's tolerance of homosexuals.

You may remember the church from their "God Hates Billy Graham" signs at the Reverend Graham's last visit to your local coliseum. It seems their sole purpose in "ministry" is to tear down the people that Christ would have us build up.

It's not often I will cop to wanting to punch an old man in the face, but if I am ever near Westboro's founder member David Phelps, you will have to hold me back. I am not speaking metaphorically. Be they fleshly desires or not, I would truly love to wipe the floor with that vile and offensive piece of garbage. Even as I write this the hairs on my head are standing on end. I used to think that was just a saying but I feel as though someone is holding a static-charged balloon above my computer chair. Their "pastor", Phelps is just one of those people I wonder how God could love. Of course that's more proof that God is so much bigger than I could imagine.

According to the church's website (did you notice the name of the church website?), they were already planning on picketing the memorial services of the college students killed in the North Carolina fire last week claiming "The 7 students that God burned to death in a North Carolina beach house are a harbinger of the wrath of God that will pour out upon this nation."

Here's hoping that this lawsuit (Phelps says the church will repeal) will set a healthy precedent as the church has already protested at dozens of funerals, holding signs that carry such abominable slogans as: ""Thank God for Dead Soldiers" and "Thank God for I.E.D.'s".

I read in Time Magazine a couple years ago about a group of motorcyclists who call themselves the Patriot Guard and made it a goal to be at each one of these funerals. Each time a lost sheep of the Westboro flock shouts a "God hates America!" or a "Your son is burning in hell!", the bikers would rev their engines
in loud defiance in honor of the fallen soldier. While Westboro reportedly has about 75 members, a dozen or so of which actually make the treks to protest, the biker group has reached about 22,000 members. So, plainly speaking, that's a fun bit of vengeance. I would encourage much more of it.

While I do love that our country give us the right to freedom of speech, it's more than a little troubling what these hate mongers do with that freedom - in the name of God no-less.

If you'd like to know more about the church or just to have a good laugh at their expense, go to YouTube and search "Westboro Baptist".

Some of the best I've seen are this one (they disabled embedding it for some reason) and these:

Some funny/sad responses to WBC