May 20, 2005

Completely random thoughts on Mike Card (oh, and my hair)

It's 1:30 PM and I'm going to try to blog random funny stuff and take serious notes at Michael Card's seminar on "The Lost Art of Lament". Call it multi-tasking.

So this will be random thoughts that have little to do with the seminar subject of lament:

1:32 - Wish they had wi-fi.
We'll start in a minute. I love Mike Card's music and books (and he's a great teacher).

1:36 - When someone's Windows startup music came on... Mike said I wrote that. Thats one of mine.

1:37 - He just said that Wes King has cancer. That is not fair.

2:00 - I am too tired to be here. Or to understand Mike. I should go sleep on a couch. The guy in the room next door is screaming at the top of his lungs on the microphone. It's probably funny if you're in there. I guess.

2:10 - My butt hurts. Sitting on the floor will do that.

2:21 - Mike says, 'I don't have a worship album because I don't know how to worship. And the point is that there are so many people like me in your church.' So right.

2:26 - I don't want to but I'm going to have to leave. I'm getting a haircut at 3! Yippee! Think I'll try to get it cut just like Alex Roller. Just kidding... maybe in a couple years. Alex said that only people who have perfect scalps lose their hair. Those who don't have perfect scalps have to have hair to cover up their imperfections.

Ooh... I should see if I can get a Dan Kimball haircut!!!

Alas, I have too much hair for a Roller and too little for a Kimball.